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Track your WhatsApp Campaign Performance on Digital Connect.

If you are sending WhatsApp template messages, you can track the performance of your Whatsapp template messages to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

To track the success of your campaigns,  It is important to keep an eye on key metrics like messages Sent, Delivered, Read, Clicked, and Replied. For businesses aiming to enhance their WhatsApp communication with customers, understanding the effectiveness of these efforts is crucial. In Digital Connect, we offer detailed performance data for each campaign up to the individual user level.

campaign performance

Digital Connect automatically segregates your campaign audience by delivered, read, replied,  and clicked audience and allows your to run re-targeting campaigns based on these filters.

Campaign Delivery Statuses

Sent Total number of recipients to whom a message is sent. All sent messages may not necessarily reach your recipients.
Delivered Total number of recipients to whom a message is delivered. For example, a double tick on WhatsApp.
Read Total number of recipients who have read the message.
Replied Total number of unique recipients who have replied to the message. Applies to Quick Reply buttons on message templates.
Clicked Total number of unique recipients who have clicked your message. Applies to Call-to-action buttons on message templates.
Failed Total number of recipients to whom message delivery failed. It may be due to non-availability of WhatsApp account on that number or the recipient might have blocked your business number.